• What is new in the epilepsy space

    with Angelini Pharma

Harmoniamentis for Switzerland

Harmoniamentis is an educational hub dedicated to Epilepsy and Brain Health created with patients and caregivers in mind. The website offers an opportunity to learn about disease, share experiences, information, events, and medical updates through rich content. There is an array of scientific material and resources to support patients and their treating healthcare teams with an aim to improve quality of life.


One of the most common brain conditions is epilepsy, which affects over 70 million people worldwide. Epilepsy has numerous neurobiological, cognitive, and psychosocial consequences. In many parts of the world, the disease is stigmatised.

One-third of patients remain refractory to medical treatments. Due to persisting seizures, patients experience increased morbidity and mortality, reduced employment opportunities, social stigma, and reduced quality of life. Hence, the development of new therapeutic options is strongly warranted.

Angelini Pharma wants to do its part towards seizures control with a new drug for the treatment of partial-onset seizures in adult patients: another step to get closer to a normal life for patients.

For further information visit: https://www.epi.ch/